Compass (Pro)

Compass (pro) App

With “Compass Pro” you can orientate yourself optimally at your location. You can see the direction of the compass and match it with the satellite image or the map on the compass. That you know exactly where you are you get the street address, the exact GPS coordinates and the current height above sea level displayed. In addition, the position is displayed in What3Words (w3w) coordinates. To switch between satellite image and map view just tap the compass. You can zoom with the pinch-/spread Gesture or with the slider beneath the Address so that you can orient yourself at certain prominent points. The blue highlighted area indicates the current accuracy.


switch to bearing mode by tapping the bearing icon on the Compass Pro main page

Position your bearing target by tapping on the map, or enter the bearing target coordinates at the top of page in GPS, DEG or W3W format.

Start bearing by tapping the "start bearing" button. When bearing is aktive you will see the bearing target direction in the compass map.

If you want to change the map orientation between "north-up" and "course up" tap on on symbol on top right of the map

To switch between map and satellite view, tap anywhere on the map.

Sharing Location

tap on the share icon to share your current position with others.

Change displays

Change map dispaly:
to change between map and satellite view, tap in the center of the compass
Change between mph and km/h dispaly:
to change between mph and km/h display tap on the speed display
Change between GPS and grd display:
to change between GPS and grd display tap on the top of the App the location display

Special Widgets

The "special widgets" serve as a supplement to the functions of the Compass Pro and are only available as an InApp purchase. In detail there are the following widgets:

  •   Air pressure based altimeter (barometric altitude)
  •   Slope meter ( %)
  •   Air pressure display
  •   Inclination display (°)


!!! The special Widget for "Air Pressure" is not available for small devices like IPhone4, IPhone5, IPhone6, IPhone7, IPhone8, IPhoneSE !!!


The slope meter is used to indicate the slope of the path or road when walking, cycling or driving a car.
The slope display has two different modes. The probably more useful mode is to calculate the slope based on the altitude difference per distance traveled.
Due to air pressure changes and inaccuracies in GPS distance measurement, unusual variations may be displayed under certain circumstances

Air pressure

Displays the current air pressure in hectopascal (hPa).


Displays the inclination (tilt) angle of the smartphone with respect to the horizon.


This display shows you the sea level altitude based on the air pressure. This display is particularly suitable for calculating an altitude figure when no GPS altitude is available. For example, you can use it to determine the height of your location inside a house or tower. Since the air pressure at a location can change due to weather conditions, this altimeter is synchronized with the current GPS altitude when the app is started.

Configure Slope

The slope display supports two types of slope measurement.
The inclination can be measured by means of the device inclination or based on the height difference of two consecutive GPS position coordinates (GPS-distance).

When measuring the inclination, the "responsiveness" of the display can be adjusted. When the slider is on the right side, the responsiveness of the display is very sluggish and becomes more responsive when the slider is moved to the left
Measurement based on barometric altitude and GPS distance can sometimes provide inaccurate values. This is the case if the air pressure fluctuates or the GPS distance cannot be determined accurately due to obstacles.